NOTE: Here to check Status of your domain transfer?
How do I Transfer my Domain Name to CHROMEIS?
Domain Requirements:
In order to transfer a domain name between registrars, a domain name must meet the following requirements:
1) The domain name must be at least 60-days old – domains that are not yet 60-days old are not transferable between registrars.
2) A domain must be in ACTIVE or OK status. If a domain is in REGISTRAR-LOCK, REGISTRAR-HOLD, REGISTRY-LOCK, REGISTRY-HOLD, REDEMPTION PERIOD (meaning the domain has expired), or PENDING DELETE status, the global registries will not allow registrar transfer. Please, contact your registrar (the place where you have purchased your domain initially) and confirm that the domain is transferable.
NOTE: If your domain has EXPIRED we will NOT be able to transfer the domain from your registrar to us. You will need to first renew your domain with the current registrar and then we can initiate a transfer request. Our advice is, do not wait until last minute before sending us your transfer order.
3) EPP Authorization Keys are required if you plan to transfer a domain with one of the following extensions: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .bz, .us,,,, .cn,,,,, .in,,,,,, and .jobs names.
You have to obtain the Authorization keys from the current registrar
4) Auto-Verification (REQUIRED):
Once we have received your domain transfer order, we will then initiate the domain transfer request in 12-24 hours via auto verification transfer (email).
When an auto verification transfer order is submitted, a verification email will be sent to the registrant and administrative contact(s) for the domain(s). (Per ICANN Regulations, transfer verification will NOT be sent to technical, billing, or other listed contacts for the domain.)
NOTE: If this verification is not received, the transfer will not proceed. Without this verification, transfer requests are not sent to the registry and the domain will not be put into Pending Transfer status for release by the losing registrar.
5) Domain Privacy Protection (Domain ID Protection):
If you have a Domain Privacy Protection/ID protection at the current registrar you need to contact the current domain registrar and remove the privacy protection – otherwise the domain transfer confirmation email will not be delivered (as explained in #3) and therefore the domain transfer will not take place.
1) The domain registrar is the company which you have used to purchase your domain. In some cases (especially if you are moving from another host), your hosting company might be the reseller for your domain registrar. If this is the case, you need to contact your hosting company and request that the domain name be unlocked.
To find out who is your current registrar you can use the public WHOIS database lookup tool below:
2) Once you have confirmed that your domain is unlocked and you (or the person that is going to confirm the transfer) have access to your email listed under your domain owner contact, you are ready for a domain transfer.
3) If you do not have an account with us already, please follow our normal sign up process and when prompted for your domain name, indicate that you will be transferring your existing domain name to us.
4) Once you complete all of the above steps and the domain is ready to be transferred please go to:
The system will guide you through the process. You will be asked to add the domain name to your existing account with us which you can do by simply providing your email/password which you have used to register your account with us.
5) How long does it takes for a domain to transfer?
Per ICANN regulations, once the gaining registrar (CHROMEIS partner registrar) has received transfer verification from the registrant or administrative contact for the domain(s), the losing registrar has five days to release the domain.
If the request is not replied to by the current registrar within these 5 business days, the registry will automatically complete the transfer.
For more information regarding the approval and rejection of domain transfers and registrar responsibilities, please refer to ICANN’s Transfer Policy at: .
Fore more information regarding domain names, domain transfers, and related, please visit our registrar’s knowledge base available at:
Fore more information regarding rules and domain name regulations, please visit the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) official website at:
For assistance with a transfer which has been already initialized by CHROMEIS, or if you’d like to transfer your site to CHROMEIS, please contact support.