If your Sugar CRM is exhibiting performance lags, try these steps to optimize your SugarCRM performance:
- Drop the absolute totals from List Views by adding ‘disable_count_query’ = true; to your SugarCRM’s config.php file.
- Alternatively, you can create a file config_override.php and add $sugar_config[‘disable_count_query’] = true; to it.
- Disable Automatic query repetition on to config_override by adding $sugar_config[‘save_query’] = ‘populate_only’; to config_override.php.
- Disable Client IP verification by adding $sugar_config[“verify_client_ip”] = false; to config_override.php.
- Disable VCR control by adding $sugar_config[‘disable_vcr’] = true; to config_override.php.
- Hide unused subpanels by adding these lines to config_override.php: $sugar_config[‘hide_subpanels’] = true; and $sugar_config[‘hide_subpanels_on_login’] = true;
- Enable slow query logging by logging in to your SugarCRM as admin and going to Admin > System Settings. Once there, check the box next to Log slow queries
Hopefully this will result in significant improvement in performance of your Sugar CRM deployment.